Answer: Ujjayi. This is because it calms the mind. And gets it into an involuted, meditative state. Meditation is also contraindicated for those with clinical depression because meditation acts like a magnifying glass that highlights what you may be feeling. So, unless u have prepared your body with a strong asana practice you must not attempt meditation seriously (most people cannot truly meditate, so whatever they are doing while sitting about does no real harm:) And the blood pressure also drops in ujjayi. And depression is associated with hypoglycemia and low blood pressure, so physically also it aggravates your depression...
What is the anti-death defying practice from amongst these three inversions below... viparita karani mudra, shoulderstand sarvangasana or shoulderstand and sirsasana/headstand? All three are anti-aging, but one of them is said to defy death itself:) Which one....
Answer tomorrow....
Hi Shameem,
Hope you had a good christmas :-)
As the answer to the question,I go with shoulderstand and shirshasana.
As a regular visitor to your blog, this is an easy question for me- the answer is Viparita Karani Mudra. You had mentioned it along with Scorpion pose and Ujjayi pranayama sometime back.
BTW, need your inputs for my Anulom Vilom practice-which is sloppy; very difficult to do retention for 16 counts and also becomes too much of an exertion after 1 round. Not sure where i am lagging or how to progress.
Since I, aged 53 was able to do Sirshasana a couple of days back, I will stick with it
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