Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Yesterday's answer, today's question

Hey, nobody asked me why I did not post the answer for the query yesterday:(
Any case, to remind u of the question, how many times does Sage Patanjali refer to asana in his Yoga Sutras (it has 195 verses, and not 196 as I said earlier).

He refers to it four times. In a very general manner, referring to posture or kriya (cleansing practice) and not to any specific asana as such. So if somebody is teaching u asanas called Patanjali's asanas or Yoga, I wonder what that could mean??

Today's question: Which is the most important component of pranayama -- inhalation, retention or exhalation?

Answer tomorrow:)


agent green glass said...

retention. damn, hope i've been listening to everything you say :)

pv said...

exhalation :)

pv said...


sonia samtani said...

The most imp part of pranayam is retention(yipeeee I cud finally ans a question before anyone else :))