Friday, January 14, 2011

Yesterday's answer, today's query

Answer: Yes, Anila u got it! (who seems to be the only one reading this blog or that section in particular. What is with the rest of u, esp my students? Yoga is life... and I am not saying this because it is what I do to earn a living (do I?:) but because it opens up things in your thinking which gets u out of your own traps .. so if u are visiting this blog (and there is evidence of your footprints u know, the sitemeter, for one:) then try to think and answer the query.. else I will JUST DROP IT, blah!!!

The answer is that a forward bend -- whether standing or seated or lying -- must always be followed by a backbend -- this releases any tension in the spine that comes from going deep into the pose ...


feltra (Raman R) said...

Hi Shameem,

We are all faced at times with whehter our contributions are worthwhile or are even noticed by anyone... Rest assured that in your case people (like me who have "found" your site) read it very very keenly indeed and look forward to it.

My own excuse for not replying to earlier queries is a) Both my PCs were down with very bad cases of virus / hw problems that put me out of touch for a good 45 days (!). Now they are ok. and b) I actually know less than what I thought I knew :) I knew the answer for the right/left nostril thing, but then i read the qn too late :(

So, please please dont stop what you are doing (questions like this in addition to your regular contirbutions)...

Thanks & Best Regards,


thanks feltra! oh, i know that my posts are read, sure:) but of course, even if theywere not I think i might continue posting simply because this blog is my note pad. And I know a lot of instructors follow this blog..power to them.. and hope the ones who think behenji yoga change their perspective, become a teeny weeny humble at how less all of us know of this humungous subject.. I myself post not because I know because I seek to know and when I ask, I also seek...