Just discovered a whole lot of Prapadasanass (tip toe poses). This belongs to a series of squats. But there are squats and there are squats. And this one zones into a tip-toe squat -- putting a lot of pressure on the ankles first, then the calves.. there are exciting possibilities in these series that I am checking out.
And though squats as a rule look easy (only because they don't involve, at first glance either flexibility or strength) they are really tough. Squats are used a lot in martial arts to build up mental and physical stamina. I want to work that into my class sequences somehow...
What they say of the ankles in yoga:
- I recall Swami Niranjananda write in one of his many books that the ankles were related to animalistic instinct in the brain which is why a lot of spiritual poses stressed on massaging or applying pressure there. . The lotus pose is a good example, as is the siddhasana, etc. IMPULSE CONTROL!
- Louise Hayes says ankles are related to rigidity. Which means Prapadasana will help you become more flexible. I believe she is not talking just of the body.MENTAL/PHYSICAL FLEXIBILITY.
- L H also connects ankles to opening up to joy. Which means if you did a yogic tip-toe squat u are opening up to joyful experiences (this could just mean some hormone thingie -- one of the neurochemicals is also involved with the keenness to try new things. May be that is what is being meant here, because an ankle squat as u can see also demands a lot of hip work, which just means a well-serviced uro-genital system which just means lot of feel-good hormones. FEEL GOOD, KEENNESS TO LEARN.
- Since the chakra dealing with the legs is the first one, u can also take it to mean squats has a lot of do with your survival instinct -- could it be why the martial arts use a lot of squats?CONTROLS FEAR AND ANGER.
- Squat also means working against gravity. Which means squats are uppers -- they fight gravity, or tamas or drag. MOOD UPLIFTMENT AND MENTAL STIMULATION.
- They are grounding. Since they fight gravity, they strengthen you from inside, toning muscle and mind. GROUNDING.
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