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In Tibetan Buddhism there is a form of meditation that is called Bardo. I only know scant details of it, and though googled it, I feel I should not delve into it more deeply unless I actually go practice with a master. But lately, I have (since my birthday recently, you could say) developed a particular meditation on my own which is somewhat similar in spirit to the Tibetan one. I say that because mine is very simple and stark where the other is elaborate and detailed. I like to remember this thought, through the day." If I were to die tomorrow, how would I live today? "
Though this may seem like a distressing thought, for some (especially those who fear death), I myself find it rather liberating. If something irritating crops up in my mind, I immediately think this. And some clarity comes thru. The mind (hey, I did not say my mind, did u notice:) prioritises and organises itself and does not sweat the small stuff any more. I believe if I can remember the thought more keenly, more often, there is more packed into my life. May sound contrary to some, but then you have to be yoga intoxicated to feel this...
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All of us live as if we had eternity. Because of this idiotic lie in our mind,we waste a lot of our lives, thinking we have fun. We do not choose our fun, often it chooses us. We also often get bound by work and relationships and commitments which we do not enjoy. I believe though that may be a necessary aspect of living, we can still learn to enjoy it. I mean, if I was working as a sweeper and did not enjoy sweeping, if I had to die tomorrow I would surely at least begin to enjoy sweeping, wouldn't I? .... If I have to spend two hours sweeping I HAVE to enjoy it, right, if I have only 24 hours left. That sort of revamped thinking, to bring elements into the life which we do not otherwise allow ourselves, to not bother about stupid trivial things or about trivial people but just live and be what we want to be... Instead we struggle and fetter ourselves with life, believing freedom will come time later, from these fetters. But if we had just 24 hours to go, maybe we will stop struggling with life and instead just LIVE it. I like the starkness of that thinking and the immediate clarity it brings. So, yes, this is my own death meditation, and I can find enormous life in it. Oh, btw, real yoga people do not fear death. It is just someplace to go, a halt, before that...
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Jayshriji, my music teacher taught me this song Karuley Shingaar -- an amazingly powerful one with the most poignant tune set to Raag Asavari (which apparently is an ancient Ragini). It is an exhortation to a woman
Bedeck yourself , you have to leave your maiden home now, to go to your lover's
Wearing the veil of the soil, covered by soil, returning to the soil ..
Wash and bathe yourself
Because your lover will not send you back ....
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My translation is rather yucky and childish but the raag and the words are so deeply evocative of a state of mind, and induce extreme laya or absorption.. when mumukshutva is not just an esoteric word ...
Obviously the song is not about a woman going to her lover's place.
Though this may seem like a distressing thought, for some (especially those who fear death), I myself find it rather liberating. If something irritating crops up in my mind, I immediately think this. And some clarity comes thru. The mind (hey, I did not say my mind, did u notice:) prioritises and organises itself and does not sweat the small stuff any more. I believe if I can remember the thought more keenly, more often, there is more packed into my life. May sound contrary to some, but then you have to be yoga intoxicated to feel this...
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All of us live as if we had eternity. Because of this idiotic lie in our mind,we waste a lot of our lives, thinking we have fun. We do not choose our fun, often it chooses us. We also often get bound by work and relationships and commitments which we do not enjoy. I believe though that may be a necessary aspect of living, we can still learn to enjoy it. I mean, if I was working as a sweeper and did not enjoy sweeping, if I had to die tomorrow I would surely at least begin to enjoy sweeping, wouldn't I? .... If I have to spend two hours sweeping I HAVE to enjoy it, right, if I have only 24 hours left. That sort of revamped thinking, to bring elements into the life which we do not otherwise allow ourselves, to not bother about stupid trivial things or about trivial people but just live and be what we want to be... Instead we struggle and fetter ourselves with life, believing freedom will come time later, from these fetters. But if we had just 24 hours to go, maybe we will stop struggling with life and instead just LIVE it. I like the starkness of that thinking and the immediate clarity it brings. So, yes, this is my own death meditation, and I can find enormous life in it. Oh, btw, real yoga people do not fear death. It is just someplace to go, a halt, before that...
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Jayshriji, my music teacher taught me this song Karuley Shingaar -- an amazingly powerful one with the most poignant tune set to Raag Asavari (which apparently is an ancient Ragini). It is an exhortation to a woman
Bedeck yourself , you have to leave your maiden home now, to go to your lover's
Wearing the veil of the soil, covered by soil, returning to the soil ..
Wash and bathe yourself
Because your lover will not send you back ....
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My translation is rather yucky and childish but the raag and the words are so deeply evocative of a state of mind, and induce extreme laya or absorption.. when mumukshutva is not just an esoteric word ...
Obviously the song is not about a woman going to her lover's place.
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