Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Mudra cure for tinnitus

Not many alternative sciences offer much help with tinnitus. I found this wonderful little booklet on mudra which is THE book for cure  and also, the only book I know in mudra which gives contraindications also... all other mudra books completely ignore this big issue with mudra, that it can be dangerous if overpracticed.

For tinnitus, the mudra to be held, according to the book Health at your Fingertips, by Dr Dhiren Gala, is the akaash Shamaak mudra (decreasing the element of space in the body)

Press down middle finger till it touches base of the thumb. Do for each hand. For chronic problems, u must hold it for 45 minutes daily (if unable to do this at one go, to break it up into three parts, 15 min each). To be held anytime other than 2 to 6 am in the morning.


evnathan said...

Thanks for giving the mudra for tinnitus. Let me see practising it will relieve my problem.

Anonymous said...

Thankyou Shameem .My freind has the same book and she says about timing it says any time other than 2to 6 am ,pm
Does it mean cannot be done between 2 am and 6 pm?.Can you check the time again please and thankyou so much for posting this .
I will practice this .I donot know how long it will take to get relief but as you said doctor offers no help or medicine.
Thanks Again -can you check the timing and post please


Yes, no need to check. The timing is right..NOT between 2 to 6 am (I don't know about the pm) that is because the element u are trying to control is flowing at that time...

Anonymous said...

Thank you

Aparajita said...

How should you hold your hand while doing this mudra? Should the hand be placed on the lap just like doing gyan mudra while meditating or should the hand be held vertical with remaining fingers pointing upwards? Please clarify.


As usual aprajita.. on the knees, palms up. Other fingers pointing out/up.

Anonymous said...

Hi, thanks for sharing the mudra. Has anyone tried it and got successful results?


to tell u the truth, I do not know ceedar, but keep at it, as a complement to any other treatment u are trying.. best

Anonymous said...

Akash mudra
Never do this mudra between 2 to 6 am and pm.
As that is known as the vata time.
It is believed excess vata in the body is the reason for tinnitus.
So it is advised not to do this mudra in vata time as the problem will get more severe.

Anonymous said...

Never do this mudra between 2 to 6 am and pm.
As that is known as the vata time.
It is believed excess vata in the body is the reason for tinnitus.
So it is advised not to do this mudra in vata time as the problem will get more severe.

Unknown said...

Hi Shameem,

Thanks for sharing post.
Can you please suggest me what is the exact mudra is curable for Tinnitus.
