Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Different shades of anger:as per your ayurvedic dosha!

Was reading Dr David Frawley's book on ayurvedic doshas. I found this fantastic insight into different types of anger.

VATA ANGER: Momentary, and often provoked only their space and security is threatened. It passes off, once the threat sense is removed. It is flashy, loud but not long-lasting and is often forgotten (except by the victims who suffer that blast, we presume:) I am a vata type and often invoke anger when I realise how blah, boo some students are. It works, in most cases:)

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PITTA ANGER: Is very penetrating, seeks to hurt, and control. It comes from a competitive nature, and of all the three types of angers, is the most damaging in the hurt it causes, deliberately. It simmers.

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KAPHA ANGER: Slow to anger, but have deep-memories of hurtful incidents and this personality tends to nurse old wounds. Is a chilling anger, and is also lasting. But the good point is, this type does not get angry very fast.

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