Thursday, March 14, 2019

Moon-bathing, to cool off your heat

I was trawling through this book on Tao and Dharma. It is one of those things, you have so many books, but suddenly you find yourself reading several books that together seem to sort your particular problem in that particular moment of your life.

So this book Tao and Dharma, by Dr Robert Svoboda and Amie Lade, threw up these natural remedies for "heat". The solutions are so commonsensical that it is worrisome that we have to read it elsewhere to do what is natural. On this note, moonbathing is a suggestion.
I remember as kids we would take our mattresses, or mats, which were more commonplace, and bed sheeets to the terrace, and sleep in the open, unafraid. There were no dangerous predatory human beings, or predators (since we did not encroach forests, those days), and mosquitoes did not attack us so much because, well, there were their natural predators like frogs etc in plenty. Now we have turned nature topsy-turvy, so there are more of pests and pestilences. And human beings are turning into monsters. So that sort of innocent moonbathing is not as common as before. Perhaps in villages, with little choice, people still do this. And perhaps that accounts for less crimes there.

So, this suggestion by Dr Svobodha is for cooling down an aggravated pitta -- which causes inflammatory conditions. In case you cannot sleep on your terrace or any terrace, walking under a moon, (which is possible, still, if you have parks ) or in its light, sitting near a window where the moon is visible is still a good option.

It is the sense of the night. A kinesthetic experience of nature, close at hand, that can soothe away anger, which is a pitta condition, and aggravated vata (of anxiety). Kapha naturally seeks out the moon. But Pitta dosha needs the moon.

Let us know of other possible ways in which you could moonbathe.. watching a video? Or reading haikus on the moon. Taking holidays to spots where it is possible to moonbathe. And keeping track of the lunar calendar to know when full moon is on, or when it rises, and position yourself in that spot, once you locate it in your home! Or in its vicinity.

I have spotted the moon even in this crowded city of Mumbai, with its skyscrapers. So, yes, it is eminently possible:)
Happy cool down to you all.

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