Monday, March 07, 2011

My student Nathalie: the quiet, strong type:)

Here is Nathalie. When she started with me, a few months ago, she was apolegetic that she was stiff... But as u can see, she has overcome that more than sufficiently. Earlier too she had issues with Kapalabhati, which used to make her dizzy (because it changes the blood chemistry. Those whose breathing is weak due to bad posture often feel dizzy in kapalabhati, so u must phase that for them), her posture was affected by a spinal curve (scoliosis) at the stomach, so that sitting still was also  issue. She informed me that her mother has that, and it runs in the family. However, if u see her now she sits erect throughout pranayama and is enjoying the fact that she does not have to suffer her genetic spinal curve and can actually control it, by and by. Already she is feeling the benefits of it.

She was the first to try the crow in that batch on first attempt and get it right. She also got the headstand right very early. And amongst the batch to say she wanted to try it on her own! When u have students like that.... u know half the teacher's work is done. Plus she is now moving into the scorpion, far ahead of others who started much before her. She watches my video on it often instead of trying to insert mistakes of her own -- a problem that I often have with some students -- when it becomes even more intricate to correct the mistakes.  So I have a nice suspicion that she is going to be able to hold the scorpion on her own ahead of the others!

She also like the pranayama and yoga nidra, though in the latter between my super-fast (trying to slow down) English and her French, she must be having a hard time following the visualisations:) She also is the first who indicated an interest in learning the prayer, both starting and finishing. So nowadays, in that batch, I repeat them word by word or line by line, and she cutely chimes it after me... It is  a great energy she generates, and relates truly to the idea of a yoga zone. And the concept of energy in a class -- I like that, because whether u believe in it or not, u are also part of an energy in a class. Some people take energy, some people give. She gives!

She controls her mind with the mudra, relates immediately to the idea of the power mudras give. She tells me that even in sleep, if she is disturbed, she finds she has gone to holding the mudra as an effective crutch! Mmm, u know, when u teach yoga u def want students who carry home the practice... and make yoga habits, and practices part of daily life...

She is leaving for Belgium soon, so we are now in a fast mode to get her into some more variations. I hope to advise her on some books that will help her progress without the class, and maybe tape a class in my voice for her, so she continues with the practice.
We will miss her energy, that props that small class so unobstrusively but clearly...

1 comment:

Honey said...

I must say that she had something special which dragged her towards yoga practice. I think you would be feeling great having such a student. I am also running with yoga school where I expect students like her.
