Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Colors and u, according to a master

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Was cleaning up my books -- in this new house (not so new now!) -- the books were all stacked up where I could not reach to them due to lack of space:( Now ordered a few shelves from Fabindia and finally began to stack them up so I can rediscover. I found that since I was so out of contact with my books I had two of some! Can u imagine that!

Any case found this intriguing book by Harish Johari  Tools of Tantra, which I think I ordered online. And he talks of colours and their impact on us -- so here goes, some nuggets

RED - Stimulating, vitalising
ORANGE --  Cheering
YELLOW - Arouses love for knowledge
GREEN - Refreshing
BLUE - Serenity (for those who have an excess of it, it could cause insecurity!)
VIOLET  -- Increases resistance and acceptance (I guess depending on where u are)
GOLD - Knowledge
SILVER -- Life-giving

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