Thursday, April 26, 2012

How then detachment from actions...

Oh, after bitching about blogs which sink I almost did the same thing, na?

For those of you who are surprised at my style of writing (mmm, not so holy, no halo around my head, no pedestal, no sweet talk, no airy fairy nonsense) this is to tell u that it is deliberate. ...

Third book is fully done and only the final photo shoot is left which I would conclude over this weekend. Then, heavens, am free for a while with only column deadlines and lazy students to hound me...

Maybe then, I will attain a certain sense of detachment towards work, as Ramana Maharishi so simply explains.

He says a government treasurer is handling a lot of money. But he never thinks it is his (if he is honest, I suppose:) and deals with it as it needs to be done without becoming attached to a false sense of wealth. All action should be done in that fashion.. handling wealth that is not yours in any case....

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