Friday, August 03, 2012

Yogic tip for the day: practice, practice, practice

On why, when u understand moksha or mukti, you need to practice in a certain way,as your guru intends. Below, Ramana Maharishi also believes practice is an important stage when you are yet looped in the vicious grip of samskaras: 

Unless the samskaras cease to exist, there will always be 
doubt and confusion. All efforts are directed to destroying doubt and 
confusion. To do so their roots must be cut. Their roots are the 
samskaras. These are rendered ineffective by practice as prescribed 
by the Guru. The Guru leaves it to the seeker to do this much so that 

he might himself find out that there is no ignorance. Hearing the 
truth [sravana] is the first stage. If the understanding is not firm one 
has to practise reflection [manana] and uninterrupted contemplation 
[nididhyasana] on it. These two processes scorch the seeds of 
samskaras so that they are rendered ineffective. 

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