Monday, February 10, 2014

The actual impact of asanas -- from a real master

It is frustrating being a teacher, because people -- even after several years with me -- some students will be casually late for a class. That is a big puzzle to me, what they think discipline is about and how they have no sense of etiquette even. I often worry that the corruption and rot in our country comes not from really bad people as much as from such people who are  casual and lackadaisical about so many such things. That when I read of a joyride that causes a near-fatal accident or a sky-rider diving to death in India, due to bad management practices, I see some of my chilled out students  and think it is people like this who cause such bad things to happen. That being casual is actually being rather callous. That it is actually being dangerous. And that be really chilled out does not mean being brain dead in other spheres of life (except making money or partying!).
But nowadays I am trying hard, very hard (but my Vishuddhi chakra is still relentless) not to lecture people.. but really being late, not bothering to be regular, not focusing during class, constantly going to the same problems (over-eating, being depressed, this sickness or that sickness which could be cured with yoga but they don't put their heart to it)... I am trying to lose my karma as a teacher.

Anyways, going to my real great teacher -- in proxy since I have never met him, but align with his books as Gurumukhi -- Sw Satyanandaji says that the physical body is just the tip of the iceberg and the rest of  who we are is invisible yet controls us all the time. Asanas work on this part of us. This  may not be visible to us, but governs us. That is why they make a big difference.. the pranic and mental bodies is where asanas impact us, even through simple poses.

However, to ensure that the transformation is complete, we cannot pretend asanas are everything. They are one aspect of what yoga is about...unless we make all parts of yoga some part of our lives, the impact of yoga would be reduced. We may maintain status quo, but the asanas' impact will be less successful or efficient.
From his book, a really big tome: A systematic course in the Ancient Tantric techniques of
Yoga and Kriya.
It is a wonderful book. Probably the only one you need...It has stories, quotes, anecdotes, and great insight.
It is amongst the best yoga books, next only to the other Sw Satyanandaji best-seller Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha which is my reference bible and has helped me with every pose in terms of dhrishti, spiritual awareness, clarity of instruction,breathing sequence, and healing, for use. I would not be a yoga teacher without the support this book gives me.

1 comment:

Sugandha said...

Hi Shamim,
What exactly is this book about. Does it describe the philosophy behind each asana. I have a copy of APMB. Is having this book beneficial.