Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Safe headstand: how to be safe upside down

It now belongs to the stuff of yoga legends ..that the stellar yoga guru Iyengar won instant acclaim for having propped an octogenarian European queen into the headstand. So age is never a barrier for learning it.
However even simple tasks need prep. And standing upside down is not simple. So it needs more prep. If you are not used to any physical activity then u need more prep. And perhaps need to be initiated into it with props.
I was lucky to have trained partly in the South of India with Asana Andiappan. And in his institutes he would have a simple pulley to help even stroke victims enter the headstand with a lot of support. It made sense to me ..to activate sluggish parts of the brain and spine. I have seen older women ( who in other parts of India will simply baulk at it)  and even overweight people ( who normally have several inhibitions about inversions) just go to  the corner reserved for the headstand and when their turn came, happily stand upside down for quite some time. 
It powered my own practice.

But I learnt that to do the headstand scientifically helps makes it very easy. Here is my brief YouTube tutorial on the simple poses u need to do before u start on your headstand.

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