Sunday, January 16, 2011

Today's query

U are just pits! I mean that.. I mean I forgot to post a query and nobody even asked!!! Really...!!
Any case, to get back to the forgotten task --
Today's Query: In the headstand where is the weight of your body? On the neck, the elbows? The shoulders? Or the head? I want a pukka, precise answer... Esp if u have been practising the pose..


agent green glass said...

the elbows. *agentgreenglass visualises and waits for her elbows to register that*


AGG I will revert to u soon:) U may quake till then. I am waiting (with bated breath)for other wise ones to register the headstand also.. let's see how many dare to answer the query..

Unknown said...

the shoulders. 80% of weight.

Anila said...

I've just started kicking into the headstand and I have experienced that I get more balance when I distribute the weight evenly on the tripod that forms when I clasp both hands.(Like a triangle base)..

sonia samtani said...

in the headstand the weight is shared by the head, neck , elbows and the shoulders(though u need a strong back to keep u hanging longer )

Sivajyoti said...

initially into the arms and shoulders but in a really good headstand, feel weightless with minimal pressure on arms and a feeling of slight pressure on the crown. It really feels quite weightless.

Thin Air and Beyond said...

you know im beginning to realise that what i need most for the sirshasana is an extreme focus. a focus even more than other asanas. coz it seems to be an extremely delicate pose. its like hitting the birds eye with an arrow looking at its reflection (like arjun). kinda crazy to find a fine centre in an upside down world. of course whatever sonia said is there to help find that centre.

this i figured just today when i was getting close to the 1 min mark and shameem congratulated me and immediately my centre vanished and i had to use brute force to hold on. :)


Oh, what did u Sonia say thin air (why that name Jit, that sounds flatulent somehow:) -- I figured she was just being safe and put everything in the basket!!
The right ans is elbows
and yes, good, now blame the teacher for falling off the pose:)