Tuesday, March 29, 2011

In class

Aw, have a huge deadline. Any case end of month my deadlines run back to back, so I am always breathless with the work. Nicely breathless.... So will do more posts as I go along the day.

Today Amitabh resurfaced for a brief while, and after a long, characteristic gap:) He did the scorpion and held it firmly for rather long. Already I feel it is not so bad being a yoga teacher.:), And just to lighten my soul put him through the different hand variations in the headstand. Without even alerting him I was going to do that! And he meekly obliged...! Hand variations in the headstand are really difficult... At least the first time and he just did it without any Confusion! Amazing...then he sits up and asks puzzled, "what was that". :) It was an advanced pose. But more, it was just a teacher feeling good that a student can follow what she is saying:) So yes, he helped my day start well. And A ...if u r reading this don't let it go to your head!
Otto is going to be away for a month or so. He has this sattvic sattvic energy, great poses.. So he will be truly missed...

The tumblers in the headstand are still stumbling. Next week am not going to play mama anymore .... So let's see how this tactic works... Get Idea!

1 comment:

Anila said...

great work "A"! :-)