Friday, April 15, 2011

Today's yogic tip

To block an overflowing heart chakra practice forward bends. To open blocked heart chakra do backbends.


Anonymous said...

How one knows if their heart chakra is overflowing?.

Anonymous said...

Never mind -got it -Thanks

Anonymous said...

The question why to block the flowing heart chakra? .It sounds to so good when its flowing.


Overflowing chakra means it is running unchecked. Please read the blog on Anahata chakra(fourth chakra below) -- when blocked it creates cruelty. When overflowing it creates anxiety etc. It has to be in a state of balance. I cannot understand u guys... if it overflows underflows the kundalini energy will drop back down, create backslide in practice, and will not flow upwards... to the higher chakra, ajna. Savvy?