Thursday, June 02, 2011

Daily Health Gyan

If knees give you trouble, the best option -- and this really works -- is to make the supporting muscles about it -- on thighs and calves, super strong. What this does is, remove the burden off your knees. Plus make your legs more supple, so that your `bounce' (there is a huge pressure we apply, everytime u lift and drop your leg, making a small step!) has great shock absorbers that will protect the knee from further damage. This is very important for those who gym, do aerobics, run, walk or treadmill. Also, for dancers who stress their knees a lot...


Shweta said...

I cycle often these days & I do have knee pain in the right leg. But I enjoy cycling & wouldnt want to stop it since the pain is not too bad. How can I strengthen my thighs & calf muscles??


Leg raises, what else...Long holds. plus inversions also help, headstand and shoulder stand.

Shweta said...

Thank you : )