Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hamsasana, a simpler version

As you continue teaching, you often wonder why so many teachers do not teach many of the so-called advanced poses. Some of these advanced poses are actually easier than the basic ones (we teach of the Sivananda style). My only explanation is that the teachers are unwilling to invest time needed to prepare and protect the students, and that they themselves do not practice. Also, since these "advanced"poses look exotic, they keep these in which to exhibit themselves but do not wish to share them with the students, for whatever reason.  That has what I have always felt when I attend any other yoga class, that the teachers are being somehow (mentally) lazy, less interested in pushing the students, accepting their limitations and fooling them by fatiguing them by doing a lot of stuff not really designed to make the student grow.It is really weird. .To believe the student can do these poses calls for something else, in attitude of teaching which I am afraid is quite sadly lacking in most teachers. That way, you have to learn with Uday Sir (Rope yoga teacher, Dadar, and u will find him easily on the net) is my most favorite teacher. He just shares. He believes in you, thinks you can do all those absolutely frightening stunts on yoga, notwithstanding how old one is. He just  hoists your faith in yourself. You feel good, uplifted with such a teacher.

The above pose u see is a simpler pose than the peacock itself! It looks more exotic, more difficult because the legs lift higher. However, because they lift (eased by the forehead being down), you actually breathe more freely, thus holding the basic pose far longer than otherwise. This pose is what we do when we are asked to hold the peacock for long -- from the mayurasana dip into this, then stay for quite a while. I love it, and it is also, not surprisingly, easier to teach than the mayurasana itself.

What you need for the pose:

  • Strong wrists. 
  • Good form in the entry of the classic peacock. 
  • A good headstand (when upside the impact is similar to headstand, in terms of stress on heart, etc). 
Happy sadhana! 

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