Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Thought for the day: psychic vampires

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This is the whacko place a yoga instructor enters into. But if we had a conference of yoga teachers, and I am talking of genuine ones who share and give and dare to teach pure yoga, and then you will find that each one will have not one but several experiences of psychic vampires -- people who will pay money, do anything -- just  to be in a high energy class  to drain energy off from you.

Below are two paras I picked up on the topic, which has been bothering me a lot these days -- seeing the sort of people I have had to deal with lately,  including  types who you will never suspect are  psychic vampire (also called psi-vampires/energivores) -- some elderly types, self-proclaimed healers, great yoga practitioners, and some/or all  students who claim to be genuinely respectful of you  etc.
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Conscious or intentional psychic vampires are manipulative people who seek to take all they can from others without ever giving in return. When pressed, they rarely give away information in any detail and refuse to build up much of a picture of their own lives but live under an aura of mystery and aloofness.[2
they'll also try to befriend leaders or powerful people in order to use these people as part of their manipulative influence.

Unknowing or non-intentional psychic vampires are people who manage to drain your energy through constant questioning and seeking ideas from you without really contributing anything novel of their own. They're often disorganized people who might be really lovely to know and incredibly intelligent but who never manage to sort out their own life and expect your help to achieve this all the time. As soon as a pattern is set, they're lulled into expecting you'll always be on hand to help them.

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