Friday, August 31, 2012

Yogic thought for the day: we lack grace:)

What may of us lack in our lives is this resonant rhythm, the integrating aspect that connects us from the very core of our being to the heartbeat of the universe. Consequently we are at odds with the world and with ourselves. We lack co-ordination, cohesiveness, and grace.

Chakras, wheels of life: Anodea Judith.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shameem ji,
I am an avid reader of your post in India abroad and regular follower of your blog.I am Yoga Practioner for 25 yrs and Instructor for five years.I need guidance for my personal issue.
My mother is suffering from Ulcerative Collitis.Have you faced any such student in your Yogic Journey.If yes can this be fixed or control by Yoga and Mudras.Pls share your experience and knowledge in regards to this.