Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Sounds in my mind.. and how they heal

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Everyday, after my classes, I stay back at the center and practice with my singing bowls. After class usually, and this a lot of serious yoga teachers (and there are also the unserious/doing-yoga-bizness types who restrain the giving of energy) feel confess they feel totally pooped after teaching and need a break, even a short one, to recover. So, it really requires a tremendous impetus to get your singing bowls out and meditate with them. That is what ultimately this is all about..

So, with my mind still swirling with questions on the bowls and why their sounds impacts healing so powerfully, found some nice stuff of research:

  • That music, never mind what type, can reduce pain perception. 
  • It has to be unusual, meaningful. 
  • It can help the heart heal (biologically). 
  • Reduce anxiety levels in those who are sick or in pain. 
  • And manage your respiratory rate also. 
The most exciting for me, in this trawling of sound, is that not just music, but the vibration that musical sounds/instruments cause may be what makes them healing. 

Research in this direction has picked on the interesting question of whether very low frequency vibration of sound affects us more dramatically than audible music. That may explain the super feel of lying beside the bowls and have the gongs strike them. It is an eerie, relaxing, complete letting go experience. I mean, when the gong is resonating, you can actually start snoring:) 

1 comment:

feltra (Raman R) said...

Hi Shameem ji,

Welcome back.... Hope everythings ok with you and family. Been missing your posts for so long...

Best Regards,
PS: I have your site in cloud.feedly.com - the new GoogleReader replacement.
PS2: Sorry for the off-topic message. Didnt know how else to contact you. Feel free to not publish this. thanks.