Tuesday, November 05, 2013

More on throat chakra:

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Obviously, my throat chakra is malfunctioning. I have all the problems related to this one. The energy flow is from the heart to the left foot -- let me tell u -- for years has been defective. My left leg is shorter, it is the one where the knee collapsed, so still wobbles:( So I am a throat chakra malfunctioner!

I am finding out that the things I do not observe or value or the ones which will rectify this imbalance:
Fruits -- I hardly eat
Frankincense -- I love it, but have not burned it in aeons.
Benzoin -- Which I also love, and own, but have not burned..
Stones -- Turquoise, aquamarine, celestite

Quality of this chakra -- Resonance

Element - Ether (no wonder I am spaced out)

Meaning - Purification (if a lot of suffering means that, yes, sure:)

Function: Communication, creativity (have not written a blog in a century, so I am wondering about that, unless u take the babble I churn out in my class)

It is manifested by VIBRATION.

Oh, and I forgot to mention, the quality of this center? U guessed it..Rajas!

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