Monday, October 27, 2014

Obesity: a yoga perspective

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I have been trying to drop two kgs for the last one year or so. I reach a lovely state when it is gone, and then, again, over a few days, it is back again. Its been very intriguing not so much for the aesthetic value of being slim but simply because it seems to happen on its own -- and I've wondered how this happens, with someone as watchful as I. Where does the fat come from, if not from the food alone:)!!

So, I thought I will leave the usual pathway of seeing it from the perspective of a nutritionist/exercise freak/dieter and instead see it from the psycho-somatic bird view, rarely assumed by anybody.

This is what I unearthed

*Doreen Virtue, who writes on metaphysical stuff, in her books suggests that fat is used by the individual to protect oneself against perceived threat. Really, this makes some sense to me. You may not be expecting an UFO attack, but I think some of us who are extra-over-sensitive may have this problem. It is worth examining this connection.
* Louise L. Hay, the best-selling author and alternative healer, believes that fat is due to oversensitivity. It is a form of protection. It may also be a cover for anger. And a resistance to forgive.
* Hay believes that fat on different parts of the body may represent different types of anger.
*Dr Swami Karmananda of the Bihar school of yoga believes that obesity may be of two kinds, as they happen in two types of personality. In the competitive person, food becomes the channel to release pent-up energy. In the other type of person, arising from boredom. In either case, it arises from frustration and unfulfilled creative energy.

So basically, there seems to be some sort of consensus amongst these writers from different walks of life -- that overeating/fat deposits could be due to unfulfilled creative outlet, anger, fear and hypersensitivity.

It is an intriguing way to look at weight control and perhaps a lot more success would be achieved if weight control was tweaked from this angle.

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