Thursday, March 03, 2011

In class today

Since Amitabh was there, early morning class was `funny' as usual:) I have given up trying to be serious or meditative in the class, esp when he is there. The point though is that it is a class which is progressing nicely -- so lightheartedness can be a tool. Plus, Amitabh is the only one, including in all my students till now (and just in Mahindra factory I have taught over 300 workers so u can imagine I have lost count of how many students I have taught:), who can keep the right pace without missing a single beat in my surya namaskar. If fast, he will do fast, hold the poses till my next cue.. Other students can get excited when I pace it up and go faster than the rest of the class.. but he will pause till my next cue and catch it just right. So I respect lightheartedness (with focus) as a great learning tool:)

Evening batch came in tired.. but what I love about them is that even if their day was bad they will land up and do the practices up to capacity. I feel a great love for such an attitude.. and feel like a mother concerned about her flock:) Nathalie even tried the scorpion despite being bone-tired.. That is also, so very much, real yoga! I clicked her in some poses today, and will post it tomorrow for sure:)

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