Saturday, July 09, 2011

The scorpion syndrome: story in a pose

Actually these poses are variations of the same, the scorpion(vrischikasana). However the names vary, possibly because they are complete poses in themselves. The first one is the peacock feather pose (pincha mayurasana) and the second one is padma vrischikasana, and the last one u see me execute (when my hair was shorter:) is the actual scorpion pose. 

From Harish Johari's book of Indian stories this story on the scorpion and the saint.

A saint is bathing in the river, while his disciple watches over his belongings on the shore. A scorpion is struggling off a branch floating in the water, trying not to drown.  The saint lifts the scorpion on to his hand, and the frightened scorpion, all tense, releases its tension by biting the saint as he  swims back to the shore. As the disciple warns the saint to let go off the scorpion, the saint holds on to it, and the scorpion bites him once more. The saint still does not release the creature, and is bitten the third time for his kindness! When faint with the paint of these terrible bites, the saint finally swims to the shore, releases the relieved scorpion on the ground and it trundles off. The disciple is amazed: as to  why the saint first tried to protect the scorpion, and then, held on to it despite being attacked so many times. 
The saint replies: it is the svadharma of each of us, that we act as we do. Our own nature. The scorpion is made to bite, and a saint is made to be kind. 


How u relate this story to the pose depends on first, whether u can do the pose.   And then, of course, on your own svadharma(made of two words -- sva which means individual self, and dharma, means duty or the path)!

I myself, I am struggling to locate/or more precisely,  dislocate,  the `me' in the many `I's  as they rise up and float off.  I am wishing they don't stay about to create a pattern, so finally there is no  sva in the dharma:)

 Dhammam sharanam gachchami:) 

1 comment:

pv said...

waiting to learn it