Monday, May 28, 2012

Yogic thot for the day: wealth and health

If we do not accept the idea that we `deserve' to prosper, then when abundance falls in our laps, we will refuse it somehow: Louise L. Hay

She gives this example of how a student of hers, who wished to increase prosperity, had won a $ 500 lottery. But he could not believe it and kept saying that he never won anything in his life, and he could not actually believe it happened. Then, what happens, he falls,breaks his leg and then his doctor bill comes up for $ 500...

It is an interesting point and I myself believe in this theory implicitly. I have found that if you scrounge and save, you end up spending everything on some hospital bill or whatever eventually you create by such thinking. Hay advises that when you give money or pay a bill, do not wince inside. Do it comfortably, to create prosperity...

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