Monday, July 16, 2012

Cavansite: brilliant blue healer

Last week my crystal supplier Anitaa Agarwal visited the Kuteer. She gifted me with a lovely rock, for healing:) Then I bought a brilliant blue Cavansite from her. It was just a chip, but a perfect crystal floret, brilliant blue, just like this one, with a chip of silica in it, like some minor imperfection that highlights the perfect and the beautiful rather than mar from it. It cost a bomb, but I am crazy about these gemstones, so beautiful and brilliant and have a rather huge collection (accumulative yogi, chee!!).

Cavansite is used in healing those with special problems. Used to heal the healer (hell, I need that tremendously, these days, so bone-tired with all that giving, that seems to be seen as taking, by some, ha ha!!). The blue colour is obviously the throat chakra stone. And like all blue stones, relaxing, cooling, calming, cleansing, purifying.

So, there, hope it works for me... 

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