Saturday, October 27, 2012

Thought for the day: revisiting Swami Rama

I remember hungrily reading as many books by / on Swami Rama when I started on yoga. It was a fantastic experience, to see it through the eyes of one who had a hands on experience with learning, struggling and being on the yoga path. It is interesting, na, that even such teachers with a strong footprint on the yogic terrain such as him,  had to face disgruntled students who did not wish him to continue as the head of the yoga institute he had set up. He was humiliated quite a bit by his students. I recall reading how that he was not even allowed to give the special grants to students of his choice -- the trustees of the institute chose to control him that way. Oftentimes, Prahlada also refers to how even Swami Vishnu had to face similar dissidence. Hey, Buddha's kin Ajatshatru never gave trying to unsettle him. Even till the end, he kept trying to gain control over the centers and ashrams Buddha had set up.. Power, is such a strange thing:) Even Ramana Maharishi had to face some people who would distribute pamphlets about his ashram. He would be rather happy, unlike some of us who feel sad (that is the difference between the ordinary and the extraordinary). He would be happy that people spoke ill of him, because he felt that way, those who succumbed to bad gossip about him were any case not fit to listen to what he had to say. And only the genuine seekers will come to him!! Such an attitude!!

Here is what Swami Rama has to say:

Fearlessness is very important. One should constantly remain in spiritual delight, so that no fear is entertained. Fearlessness comes from knowing that God is with us, and that we are with God.

1 comment:

test said...

thanks for the post